

Contains scripts that calculate the relative distance of a stiffness tetratd to 7 of the 8 symmetry classes that can be distinguished in linear elasticity

View the Project on GitHub Ra-Na/Anisotropy-of-Stiffness-Tetrads



This repository contains supplementary material for the manuscript

[1] Distance of a stiffness tetrad to the symmetry classes of linear elasticity DOI: 10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2018.08.021

by M. Weber, R. Glüge and A. Bertram.

The Mathematica-script calculates the distances of a given stiffness C tetrad to its projections Ci = Pi * C onto 7 of the 8 symmetry classes of linear elasticity (every C is triclinic). The distance is defined as *di = 1 - Ci / C * with 0 ≤ di < 1, being 0 if C falls into the symmetry class i and not exceeding 1. As the axes of anisotropy are unknown, d is minimized over three rotation angles.

Research group website


When refering to the script in publications please cite as follows:

  title = {Distance of a stiffness tetrad to the symmetry classes of linear elasticity},
  journal = {International Journal of Solids and Structures},
  volume = {156-157},
  pages = {281--293},
  year = {2019},
  issn = {0020-7683},
  doi = {},
  author = {Weber, M. and Gl\"uge, R. and Bertram, A.}